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Q: What is the nature of the venue?
A: It is an Indoor/Outdoor BARN venue
- please consider this when choosing attire/footwear.
Q: Is there an open bar?
A: Duh!
Q: How do I get to and from the venue?
A: We will have ample parking for those bringing a personal vehicle, however we encourage ubering!
Q: Is there an after party?
A: Yepo! We will provide transportation to a local watering hole for those interested in keeping the party going
Q: Can I play with the horses?
A: Paws off the ponies, please! Keep wandering to
posted areas!
Q: Will I be attending the ceremony?
A: We're only inviting a small group of close friends and family to the ceremony because I'm shy and cry a lot.
Q: What time is it over?
A: At 9:30 or 10:00ish you'll have the option to head home or pile on the party bus to the after party!
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